Jamaine and I have been married for two years, but we never had a proper reception. Moreover, none of my family members made it to the wedding ceremony so it was important to me that we do something in France too. This is how I started planning for an epic African French and American wedding reception.
A. Planning this huge event from a distance
First thing’s first we had to teach hubster how african weddings work (with dowry, bride price, money dance...) and then do a lot of compromising for all cultures to be well represented. Once all of that brainstorming was done, we were able come up with a reception program and move onto the basics of wedding planning (selecting a date, creating a budget, and selecting vendors.) With the help of my family, bridesmaids, best friends, and Facebook, I found MUA, DJ, Photographer, Caterer, Cake, and Venue in no time. All I pretty much had to do was pay security deposits and then wait for the wedding to arrive. The hardest part was probably to manage the wedding guests coming from overseas and making sure they had a good enough experience in France.
B. Traveling from Nashville to Atlanta to Paris
We missed our original flight out of Nashville due to some last minute shopping... We were rebooked to the very next flight to ATL, but unfortunately our flight was delayed in Nashville so we missed our connection flight in ATL. We were rebooked once again and made it to Paris eventually, although later than we had hoped. Then this happened: Jamaine’s suitcase was lost by the airline! Mind you it had all his regular clothes, underwear, wedding jacket, shirt, bow tie, pants, shoes, belt, and socks too. By the way, we did not see that suitcase until Sunday afternoon once the wedding was well over with. Thank Goodness my brother, dad, and Stephane were able to help Jay find a replacement outfit on Saturday right before the photoshoot.
C. The Reception & Aftermath
A lot of small things did not go as I planned and the wedding weekend cost a lot more than I wanted it to (I am also very cheap and an organization freak), but once we finally arrived at the venue, the reception was nothing short of amazing! It was really great seeing our friends and family from all over the world enjoying themselves, dancing to American music, eating African food, and drinking European drinks all night long (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. to be exact lol). Overall, I think it was a nice, diverse, and memorable wedding weekend enjoyed by most :)
Photos: Makdaniel BestTV
Music: DJ Brod 243
Makeup: Awa Lainy
Wedding Cupcake Tower: Cakes Paradise by Ju
Live Life Fully,
France Mkb